Where did the idea for the Juliland Universe come from?
It all started in 2004 with his best friend Juli Ashton.  They were trying to come up with an idea for an internet-based business.  They wanted to do something different since they were bored with everything out there.  So, after a few drinks and some brainstorming (in that order) they came up with Juliland.com.  It evolved over the years, but the basic idea was simple — fun and entertaining!  It’s something they kept in mind with everything they did.

What type of gear did Richard use to make his art?
For the still camera he used a Hasselblad H2 with a Phase One Digital back in the early days.  He upgraded to the Hasselblad X1D a few years ago.  For video…all sorts of cameras.  Nothing special since his video work was more like home movies.

Why did he love women so much?
Some people love sports, cooking and movies… he loved women, women and women.  Always did… “They’re so much fun to play with and they taste as good as they look.”

Who were his favorite girls to work with?
This can never be revealed, because he took this secret to his grave.  BUT if you want to get an idea… look at how many shoots he did with a girl.  He loved them all, but some more than others.  The more shoots, the more photos and the more fun.  

Where did he get his ideas?
He got them from everywhere and everything.  From television, movies, books and magazines.  He was old school and didn’t use the Internet for inspiration.  He loved galley and museum visits when he traveled.  Also a lot of the girls would bring their sick twisted ideas to him and he loved the challenge of creating these ideas.

What did he prefer stills or video?
He was all about his still work.  He shot over a million photos during his Juliland days.  He loved shooting with his Hasselblad and he felt it gave him the power to explore his crazy ideas.  Video was all about making home movies and having fun.

Who were his favorite photographers & directors?
Richard Avedon, Irving Penn, David Bailey and Peter Lindbergh for photography.  Directors… David Fincher, Danny Boyle and Antoine Fuqua.

What are the goals for the Richard Avery estate now?
We are just going over everything now.  Getting organized and making sure we follow his instructions that he left behind.  We have enough for many books, multiple exhibitions and so much more.  We are even thinking about a documentary.  Lots to figure out for sure.

Who is in charge of his achieve now?
The estate was left to his closest friends and family.  Chad Gates is in charge and working everyday to preserve, archive and take care of everything.  It’s a full time job that he takes very serious.

Last, any last words?
Thank you for the love and support.  It means more than you know.  We hope to share his life and work with the world in the coming years!  You think you saw his work at Juliland, but there was so much more.  Be ready!!!

Chad Gates ©2023
